About This Report

About American Atheists


AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a national civil rights organization dedicated to equality for atheists and other nonreligious people. We protect the rights of atheists, advance social inclusion, and empower nonreligious people through advocacy, education, and community building.

American Atheists is committed to providing resources and tools to help our local grassroots organizers grow and sustain vibrant communities. By emphasizing activities in the four core areas of our ACES program — Activism, Community, Education, and Service — affiliate groups can provide support for their members while expanding engagement in their local community, improving policy outcomes at every level of government, and normalizing atheism across the nation. To find out more about becoming a volunteer leader or to find a local affiliate group, please email us at field@atheists.org.

American Atheists seeks to empower its constituents to be effective advocates for state and local policy change. We monitor bills and policies that affect the separation of religion and government and inform grassroots leaders about such measures, enabling them to amplify their outreach to lawmakers. We support these efforts by providing advocacy resources, bill analyses, effective messaging, and assistance with coalition-building and drafting legislation. We are always eager to work with state and local advocates on the various laws and policies discussed in this report. For example, in states such as California, Colorado, Florida, and Virginia, we have assembled and supported teams of advocates to focus on proactive legislation. If you are interested in engaging in this work, please email us at advocacy@atheists.org.